
SOFT SKILLS... Relevance to career development

Soft skills are very relevant in the attainment of growth in an individual’s area of specialization. At a time when there are lots of people in your industry with the same skill set, it is your soft skills, things like your work ethics, communication skills that set you apart.
While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills and other soft skills you may possess, keeps you in there. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your emotional intelligence and other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success and advancement.

With these soft skills you can be appointed to lead a team and would excel. Problem solving, delegating, motivating, and team building become much easier if you have good soft skills.
Without soft skills, you could end up having high staff turn-over as a manager and you could also end up with unhappy clients closing the room for the opportunity for more business from these clients.
In the IT industry, there are many competitive firms all of whom can get a lot of work done according to specifications required by the client. This makes the selection and evaluation process a bit difficult for the client. What makes a difference in the selection process for the client is the presence of soft skills. An organization that presents itself in a very likeable manner speaks well and has good work ethics, better than her opponent grabs and keeps the attention of prospective clients and eventually, when they get hired, have the potential to generate more business opportunities from this same client.
Soft skills are increasingly becoming the hard skills of today's work force. It is not just enough to be highly trained in technical skills without developing the softer, interpersonal and relationship-building skills that help people to communicate and collaborate effectively.
These people skills are more critical than ever as organizations struggle to find meaningful ways to remain competitive and be productive. Teamwork, leadership, and communication are fortified by soft skills development. Since each is an essential element for organizational and personal success, developing these skills is very important and does matter… a lot!

Contributed by
Chibuzor Okeleke, Project Admin.
Office of the Managing Partner(OMP)
Quanteq Technology Services Limited.

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