Welcome to QUANTEQ Training and Prometric Test Center

If you are thinking of moving your career to the next level, attaining professionalism via certification or developing your skills further to accelerate career growth, then THINK QUANTEQ Training and Test Center. Learn from seasoned professionals, accelerate your learning through our hands-on exercises. we have state-of the-art equipment and learning environment. Our services are value-added, client -oriented and service-driven. Our Test Center is convenient, comfortable and conducive.

Learn from the best... Train at Quanteq.


SOFT SKILLS... Relevance to career development

Soft skills are very relevant in the attainment of growth in an individual’s area of specialization. At a time when there are lots of people in your industry with the same skill set, it is your soft skills, things like your work ethics, communication skills that set you apart.
While your technical skills may get your foot in the door, your people skills and other soft skills you may possess, keeps you in there. Your work ethic, your attitude, your communication skills, your emotional intelligence and other personal attributes are the soft skills that are crucial for career success and advancement.



How time flies when you’re having fun!  

Yes, you can afford to muse on that when its playtime. However, when it comes to work, you have to be able to account for your time no matter the strength of its wings. Management is not about to joke with billable hours, so you must know where your time went.
Without effective time management, you will produce no results and no returns. Your lofty goals will end up only on paper. In other words, you‘re working hard, but you’re not working SMART (busily working here, there, and everywhere, achieving nothing anywhere).

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